One-stop shop for Independent Optometry marketing and digital technologies.     Australia, NZ, Canada, US, UK


$299 Single Page Websites

Our expertise let's you focus on yours.

Your Website Homepage is Everything.

Most patients are now using mobile phones to view websites. They aren’t taking the time to review many pages. They simply need to skim your messages and skip right to the decision making process…. choosing to visit you for their eyewear purchase!

If budget is a concern, try updating your website to a single-page format, with all of your key messages in one place.

Pricing: $299 setup, including 6 months free hosting!

Try one of these today!

We know there are various levels of business support available to practice owners, usually at a significant cost. Our resources focus on turn-key implementation so you won’t need to spend hours tinkering.

Package Price - $499/month​

One price for all 3 patient education tools, monthly e-newsletters, website blog posts, and topical social media posts.

Single Solutions - $175/month

Choose one or more patient content tools to support your teams marketing initiatives. Save yourself the time, ensuring reliable quality.

Blog Posts on your Site

Make your website a destination for regular patient visits. Topical blog posts can help keep your patients connected.

Pricing: $175/month

Suitable for Independent Optometrists

Social Media Posts

Our program is designed to provide a reliable feed of optometry content which establishes your practice as a go-to resource for all things eyewear and eye care.

We have established a themed content series that is a simple way to convey the importance of maintaining lifelong eye health, while being fashionable and seeing at your best!

1 post per week, that’s over 50 posts per year designed for you, with your own themed colours and branding. We release a new content packs continuously!

Pricing: $199/month for posts and scheduling

© OptomEdge 2025